Agreement Types
Types of Agreements ICO Handles
ICO's primary role is negotiating research-related agreements on behalf of Stanford with industry sponsors and collaborators. In addition, ICO processes and negotiates Material Transfer Agreements with for-profit, nonprofit, and governmental entities. The most common agreements ICO handles are described below.
For agreements that don't fall into one of these categories, please contact

Sponsored Research Agreements
Sponsored Research Agreements (SRAs) are used when an outside entity funds research at Stanford. ICO handles SRAs funded by for-profit companies.

Material Transfer Agreements
Incoming Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs) provide the terms for Stanford researchers to receive a wide variety of physical materials, including animal models, for research use from both nonprofit and for-profit entities.

Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements
Outgoing material transfer agreements (OMTAs) govern the transfer of materials developed at Stanford to outside researchers.

Data Use Agreements
Data Use Agreements (DUAs) or Data Transfer Agreements (DTAs) allow Stanford researchers to receive or share data sets with researchers at companies for research purposes.

Software License
Software Licenses provide the terms for Stanford labs to use software provided by companies at no cost to Stanford.

Nondisclosure Agreements
Nondisclosure or Confidentiality Agreements (NDA/CDA) allow researchers to exchange confidential or proprietary information prior to establishing a research collaboration or project.