Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements

Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements govern the transfer of Stanford-created materials to outside researchers. MTAs are recommended and the University encourages researchers to share biomedical and other laboratory research materials using a standard MTA, when possible. A number of other research institutions have agreed to share research materials either without an agreement or using a standard MTA whenever possible.
MTAs are required for transfers of human tissues (see below) and California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) funded materials.
Certain types of materials require approval by research compliance panels under University policy before they are sent out. For more information, see Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) and Export Control.
For an Outgoing MTA
ICO recommends that PIs who want an agreement to send out materials use a standard MTA. Please submit the online Intake Form.
For a template Outgoing MTA, please contact ico@stanford.edu.
For an Outgoing Human Material Transfer Agreement
If you are sending out human tissues, an agreement is required. Please see more information about transferring human tissues here.