There are several compliance panels within the Research Compliance Office at Stanford. ICO may be required to confirm with one or more compliance offices that your activity is accounted for in an approved protocol. The compliance office may request revisions to the protocol before the contract is completed.

Human Subjects (IRB)
An approved IRB protocol is required for agreements involving human subjects research. ICO may request a Determination of Human Subjects Research in some cases.

Radiological (CRA)
An approved Controlled Radiation Authorization (CRA) is required for agreements involving radiologically hazardous material.

Biohazardous (APB)
An approved APB protocol is required for agreements involving biohazardous or infectious materials.
When biohazardous or infectious materials are involved in an agreement, ICO will reach out to the APB to confirm we can move forward.
In addition to the RCO panels, ICO may also need to consult with other offices within Stanford.

ICO may need to consult with the Privacy office if sensitive information will be sent or received.

Conflicts of Interest (COI)
ICO will need to consult with the COI office if a Stanford researcher has a conflict of interest with a company. The researcher will be asked to provide a Statement of Work and complete a questionnaire through the Outside Professional Activities Certification System (OPACS).